Je raconte votre histoire d'amour en image.

A couple walks along a stone path through a garden setting at sunset.

Mes clients disent de moi ...

Marine & Marc

Je ne te remercierai jamais assez d’avoir été présente pour nous en cette journée si importante! Tu as été bien plus qu’une photographe, tu as été notre rayon de soleil qui a su comment illuminer et capturer ces moments si chers à nos yeux.
Tu as immortalisé cette magie et pour ça je te suis éternellement reconnaissante.

Close-up of an elegant bridal updo hairstyle with delicate butterfly hair pins.
Wedding invitation and delicate pearl earrings arranged on textured fabric.
Joyful couple sharing a laugh while holding a vibrant autumn bouquet outside historic building.
Wedding ceremony in an elegant room with hardwood floors and guests seated in vintage chairs.
Black and white candid moment of couple sharing emotional laughter during ceremony.
Celebratory moment in an elegant reception room with ornate windows and floral decorations.
Two people walking and laughing together on a cobblestone street, one wearing white and carrying a bouquet.
Wedding dress and shoes hanging against white doors with hardwood flooring below.
White lace wedding dress train and strappy sandals on wooden floor.
Strappy white wedding sandals on dark fabric in dramatic black and white lighting.
Close-up of delicate lace detail being fastened on wedding dress.
Black and white image of wedding dress being buttoned up.
Two people sharing a joyful moment in a bright indoor setting.
Wedding dress being adjusted in a cozy living room setting.
Elegant wedding dress with lace sleeves captured in mirror reflection.
Elegant bridal updo hairstyle with delicate butterfly hair accessories in black and white.
Wedding invitation and delicate pearl earrings arranged on textured fabric in black and white.
Happy newlyweds share a joyful moment outside with a vibrant autumn bouquet.
Elegant wedding ceremony in a bright room with vintage furniture and ornate moldings.
Black and white candid moment during an emotional wedding ceremony.
Wedding celebration in an elegant room with decorative floral arrangements and vintage furniture.
Joyful moment shared between wedding guests walking along a tree-lined street.
Wedding dress with lace details and white shoes hanging against white paneled walls.
Lace wedding dress train and strappy white sandals on hardwood floor.
Elegant strappy wedding sandals in dramatic black and white lighting.
Close-up of delicate lace detail being fastened on a wedding dress.
Black and white close-up of hands adjusting a wedding dress during bridal preparations.
Two women share a joyful moment during wedding preparations in a sunlit room.
Wedding dress with delicate lace details being styled in bright interior setting.
Elegant bride in white lace sleeve dress poses beside ornate mirror.

Nayanka a pris le temps de nous écouter, de cerner nos attentes, notre histoire, et de choisir les musiques qui nous représentaient.

Laura & Jérémy

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